Saturday, 11 January 2014

Books | Warning: do not read this book.

Okay so I'm late to the party on this one: The Fault in our Stars by John Green isn't a new release and I'm sure you know someone that has read it if you haven't yourself. I actively avoided this book after seeing reviews including  words like 'tragedy'. I'm not a masochist, I'm actually a master of self-preservation and anything remotely tear jerking is not for me. I like books that remove me from reality rather than bringing reality into sharp resolution, but when my friend (who has excellent taste in books) passed this one on to me, I gave it a shot. Mainly because I had nothing else to occupy myself with on a break on a night shift, but I started it nonetheless. And, not counting the short break I took to you know, deliver a baby, I read it start to finish without stopping.
I'm not going into the plot line, that's insulting; you can read the blurb as wells as the next person. In short; This book broke my heart. I sobbed like I haven't done over a book since Angela's Ashes, and being as I was approximately 11 and the book was about the foot and mouth disease epidemic (if I rememeber rightly) I'm not sure the emotional pull felt is really comparable.
This book made me feel. Excruciatingly tore me from my pleasant little world and thrust me into Hazel's without an apology. It's so much more than the story of a kid with cancer, it's a story of love and death and the unfairness of it all, but how despite that unfairness the world still goes on. Hazel's voice continues in my head even now and that's how you know a book is good, when you continue to try and live in that world even after it's over. 
I loved it but it's given me an emotion head ache. The worst sort. 

I don't suggest you read this book if you're after a heart warming, feel good happy ending, Hazel is a hypocrite in that her story doesn't finish, much to my annoyance. I want to email John Green and demand to know what happened to her, it's frustrating. I do however suggest you read this book if you want an insight to coping, to living and loving, to losing and to how, actually, the universe doesn't give a either way. Fantastic, inspriring and a whole lot of tragic. 

EDIT: despite the title of this post, I'm not trying to put you off the book! It's wonderfully written, charming and laugh out loud funny (cliche) in more than a few places. I feel better for reading it, I'm so glad I did. I realise my review doesn't actually state this outright but I thoroughly enjoyed it. So, do not read this book...except do, because it's great. I promise you won't cry the entire way through. 

Ps, I apologise for the photos and their irritating placement. This entire post was formulated and posted from my iPad. This isn't a permenant arrangement but I couldn't not write about the book, and  also couldn't drag my sorry self to get my laptop. Normal service will resume soon, promise. 



  1. I've seen people reading this but never knew it was such a sad story :( I remember my mum reading Angela's Ashes - I'm positive it's a film too ? I might read this & see how it makes me feel, I love reading a book that sticks with you long after you finished it, it struck a cord, another book that I read was Before I Die & I cried my eyes out & I did at the film, Now Is Good, my nana had cancer & I felt like I had lost a part of me as I was so close to my nana :(
    Great review & you definitely made me click on this title for the wrong reasons as I thought it was gonna be a bad review haha *thumbs up* ;)

    1. Thanks for commenting Chloe, I'd definitely recommend this book! Sorry to hear about your Nan, cancer is an awful thing xx

  2. I adore this book - I read it during the summer and had a good sob behind my sunglasses :)

    1. I could not have read this in public haha I had to lie down afterwards! I can't stop thinking about it though, def a new favourite! Xx

  3. I've had this book on my Amazon wish list for a while now, after reading this I might have to get it!

    Jenn | Photo-Jenn-ic


    1. I definitely think you should, it's quite an easy read but worth it! Xx

  4. I read this book last week, still can't get Hazel out of my head as well. Such an amazing book x

    1. I can't stop thinking in her voice haha! Sign of a great author xx

  5. i have this on my kindle and so far have procrastinated from reading it... opting to download allure for ipad instead! ha! ive read so many reviews on it and i'm just so on the fence whether or not my emotional state would take it! xxx

    1. I say try it Catrine, your life will only be made better by the books you read, never worse! Haha let me know what you think if you do read it, in between Allure of course! Xx

  6. Hi! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Check this link for more details and good luck :)

    1. Thanks Cheryl, but I have already done this tag :) the nomination is very much appreciated though! x

  7. Hi Abi,

    Read this book a while ago now while traveling back and forth to uni, and did I blub on the train constantly.
    Absolutely love the book and very excited for the film edition to be released in cinemas in June. Hope it wont disappoint. x
