Friday, 9 May 2014

Review| La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo +. A second chance.

A while ago I got sent, by the kind people at Escentual the La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo + (product name and a half?!) I excitedly slathered it on and awaited amazing results. Unfortunately, for reasons still unclear, I then broke our massively with large, painful, cystic under the skin acne. Mmhmm such a treat. As the LRPED+ (does that work?!) was the only new product I had used, I but the blame solely on it's shiny white and blue packaging and put it in the draw to be forgotten about. 
However, when asking on twitter and around my beauty minded friends I got recommendations for the effaclar duo again and again. No body else had had such a reaction! 
One particularly desperate day, as I was looking at my terrible skin in despair I dug out the effaclar duo and figured it couldn't get any worse. After using my glam glow super clearing mud mask (post to come) I massaged this in and waited. 

A few weeks on now and I have to say, I'm impressed. My skin appears clearer and I haven't had any break outs as yet! My scars are fading, slowly, and any blemishes that do dare to pop up are gone in half the time. 

I realise I'm pretty late to the party on this one but I think it goes to show first impressions aren't always the ones you should go on! Now I'm off to try on those jeans I thought didn't suit me last week! 

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